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Duration: 3 hours

  • Research or learning phase (1 hour)

  • Designing and creative phase (2 hours)

Acquired skills and objectives:

- Discovering local visual culture

- Enhancing culture of origin and diversity

- Raising awareness about environment through recycling

- learning creative techniques

- experience in co-working (team and community building)

- skills in digital audio-visual content making

Optical illusions with Squares
writing and drawing with squares on recycled materials

1. Discovery phase : Participants discover different ways to create compositions by using exclusively simple geometric forms depicting landscape, faces, animals, etc. 

2. Co-designing a shape or a scene, choosing colors:

Cheval mélancolique en pixels et pigments bleus 1.jpg
Cheval mélancolique en pixels et pigments bleus 3.jpg
Cheval mélancolique en pixels et pigments bleus 2.jpg

3. Participants co-create an optical illusion with geometric forms and document visually the work's evolution through sequential photos : 

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